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One of the standout features of this basket is the ability to freely choose its adorable expressions and accessories. With a variety of options available, you can customize your bunny to perfectly match your mood or style. Whether it's a smiling face, playful wink, or mischievous expression, the choice is yours. Additionally, the accessories, such as bows, hats, or glasses, allow you to add even more personality to your bunny.
From plush toys and books to clothes and small accessories, this basket provides ample space to keep belongings organized and within reach. The sturdy construction ensures that the basket retains its shape even when filled to the brim, making it a reliable storage solution for busy households.
In the playroom, this basket becomes a treasure chest for their favorite toys. It can hold plush toys, action figures, puzzles, and more. It's also a great companion for storytime, keeping their books neatly organized and within reach. The waterproof lining makes it an ideal storage option for dirty clothes or wet swimwear, making laundry time a breeze for both kids and parents.
With multiple color options available, kids can choose their favorite shade or mix and match to create a vibrant and personalized storage display. The vivid colors will add a playful touch to their room decor and make tidying up a more enjoyable task.
To make this storage basket even more special, it can be personalized with the recipient's name or initials. Imagine the joy on their face as they receive a storage basket with their name beautifully printed. This customization adds a personal touch to the gift, making it a treasured keepsake that they'll cherish and impress.
Materiaal: Waterdichte Oxford stof
Afmetingen: S - 16.5 " x 13.8 "(42cm x 34cm); M - 19.6 " x 15.7 "(50cm x 40cm)
Gewicht: S - 330g; M - 370g
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